Instal the last version for windows PortableApps Platform 26.0
Instal the last version for windows PortableApps Platform 26.0

instal the last version for windows PortableApps Platform 26.0

32-bit versions of Windows, on the other hand, can't run 64-bit versions of software, even if the CPU in the PC is a 64-bit CPU. Why? Because 64-bit versions of Windows have a feature called Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit (WOW64) that allows them to run 32-bit versions of software in addition to 64-bit software. (f you're curious what you have, just right-click on Computer in your Start Menu and click Properties (in Windows Vista or 7).

instal the last version for windows PortableApps Platform 26.0

And there are PCs out there that are either 32-bit or 64-bit and have either 32-bit or 64-bit Windows on them. A compiled piece of software is written to work with one or the other, but not both. Basically, how software is working with data internally. When people say something is 32-bit or 64-bit, they're referring to the smallest unit of information that can be processed on a machine (the bit, a 1 or a 0) and how many are dealt with at the same time within the PC and operating system. If you're confused, don't worry, most people don't know what it is either. If you know the answer, feel free to skip ahead. Haller's blog Wait, what *is* 64-bit software? And, since we just released our first hybrid 32-bit/64-bit app that didn't necessarily need to be (see: 7-Zip Portable), I thought it would make sense to get our conclusions all down in one place for those that are interested. We've had a few discussions in the forums amongst the development staff and users and come to what we think are the right conclusions.

instal the last version for windows PortableApps Platform 26.0

As a result, many people have been wondering how 64-bit software fits into the concept of portable software. Windows 7 has seen a 46% install rate of the 64-bit version compared to only 11% under Vista (and less on Windows XP). 64-bit software has been in the news a bit more lately as the number of people using a 64-bit version of Windows has been increasing.

Instal the last version for windows PortableApps Platform 26.0